

Writing letters to the editor is a great way to engage with a topic that you are passionate about and to influence public opinion. Such type of letters may be written to the editor of a newspaper or a magazine. It is written mainly to highlight a social issue or problem. It can also be written in order to get it published in the said medium. As it is a formal letter, only formal language can be used i.e. abbreviations and slang language are strictly prohibited.
1.Write a letter to the editor of an English daily, making a plea to the common people to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity so that the city would not have to suffer long power cuts due to overloading of electricity mains.
14, Old Katra, Prayagraj
11th July, 20…
The Editor,
Morning News,
Subject: Creating Awareness towards Solar Energy
As you might be already aware, our city is facing a major power crisis with frequent power cuts especially during summer months. Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I wish to make the people aware of the growing need for and benefits of solar power. This will grant a definite solution to minimizing the overuse of electricity. We all know that our earth is showing signs of a patient in declining health and it is due to excessive pollution on our planet. Man has a desire to live a luxurious life and for that, he is over consuming electricity. We don’t realize that overuse would exhaust our resources. We must conserve electricity, which is the need of the hour. This conservation can only be done if we start using solar power systems. Various kinds of solar systems like solar cookers, solar lanterns, solar heating and cooking system, solar water heater, etc., are available in the market and are non polluting, economical and available in different sizes. So, I request you to publish this letter in your newspaper to make people aware of the need of conserving electricity and limiting electricity bills.
Thanking you,
 Yours faithfully,
Swathi Sarangi
2. Letter to Editor about the polluted water supply Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the polluted water supply in your area.
Or Write a letter to the Waterworks Department complaining about erratic and polluted water supply in your locality. Prayagraj.(2022 EH)
20, Akbarpur,
5th July, 20….
Amar Ujala Prayagraj
On behalf of all the residents of Akbarpur, Prayagraj, I am writing this letter to be published in the columns of your esteemed Daily. Through this letter, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the polluted water supplied to the people of this area. The water supplied to us is very much polluted. It is dirty and has a foul smell. Because of this a large number of people are suffering from dysentery and diarrhoea. This polluted water, I fear, may soon give rise to cholera. So there is a fear of some epidemic diseases.
I request the authorities concerned to take drastic measures to look into the matter at once. It is urgent that potable water is supplied to the people of this area.
 Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
3. To Editor about frequent electricity breakdowns Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the frequent breakdowns of electricity in your locality.
15, Garden Road, Hisar 25th January, 20…..
The Editor,
Hindustan Times,
New Delhi.
Dear Sir,
Kindly allow me to use the columns of your national daily to draw the attention of the Electricity Board to the poor supply of electricity in our locality. There is a frequent breakdown. Sometime it is for the whole day or the whole night. When the electricity is restored, the voltage is so low that there is a fear of the burning of costly appliances. Life without electricity has become very difficult. We have to burn lanterns or candles. Thus our studies suffer very much. Thefts have also increased. There is no prior notice about these breakdowns.
We have duly paid all the bills. We do not know why nobody at the Board-office is willing to listen to our complaints and see our plight. Will the authorities pay heed and improve the situation?
Yours faithfully,
4. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about
frequent breakdowns of water supply in your locality.
Or Write a letter to the Chairman/Mayor of your city complaining against insufficient supply of water in your area.
The Editor,
Indian Express New Delhi
Will you very kindly give a little place to my letter in your popular paper? I want to draw your attention towards the difficulties which the public has to face due to frequent breakdown of water supply in our locality. “Friends Colony”. We are in a difficult situation. In my opinion, the frequent breakdown of water supply is due to inefficient working of the water supply department. Will you very kindly publish my letter in your paper, so that the higher authorities may come to know of it and those who are responsible for it?
Dated: 12th March, 20…
Rakesh Ranjan Verma
Yours Sincerely Rakesh Ranjan
210, Friends’ Colony, Subhash Nagar, Bareilly-243001
A letter of complaint, or complaint letter, is normally written to deal with a problematic situation in order to rectify the situation. The complaint letter formalizes a problematic situation by putting it into writing and is usually an effort to try to get a situation resolved. Properly written complaint letters can be very powerful and almost always get results, making them worth writing.
Complaint letters can be written for business situations and the reasons for writing a complaint letter are numerous, however, there is the common element of displeasure towards a person, service, product or situation. A complaint letter serves the purpose of making your opinion but one must ensure to make the problem known in a polite and non-aggressive manner.
washing machine from
1. You are Karan/Krispa. You recently bought a new from M/s Pentatonix Electronics, Yamaha Street, New Delhi last week. Now you find that the machine makes an unbearable noise and tears delicate fabrics. sn Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to change the machine as early as possible.
14/D Tagore Town,
Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi 5th January, 20….
Pentatonix Electronics Yamaha Street
New Delhi
Subject: Complaint about faulty washing machine.
This letter is to inform you that the Washing Machine, which I purchased from your shop against cash memo No. 2109, dated 21 August with a two year warranty period stopped functioning properly after just one week. Now the machine makes an unbearable noise and the motor tears delicate fabrics.
This problem has caused a great deal of inconvenience and I definitely do not have my money’s worth. I therefore request you to either get the fault repaired if it is minor or replace the product with a new one as per the conditions of the guarantee certificate. Your quick action will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Krispa Anand.
2. A television cabinet that you had ordered from Amaflip, an online shopping site, arrived in a damaged condition. Write a letter to register a complaint while seeking a refund or a replacement. 14 Council Road,
Near Balaji Towers, Hyderabad.
1st December, 20….
The Manager,
Amaflip Office, New Delhi. Subject: Complaint about faulty television cabinet Sir/Ma’am,
I had ordered a television cabinet from the Amaflip website on15 November. The cabinet was delivered to me on 30th November, but as I unpacked it from the box, it was found to be in a damaged condition. The cabinet doors do not open and shut properly and the storage compartment of the cabinet is uneven and cracked.
The cabinet is not of acceptable quality and does not match the sample cabinet I was shown online. I would like you to replace it with one of better quality and finish and arrange for return of the faulty cabinet at no cost. I have enclosed a picture of the damaged product and attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase. I would like to have this problem fixed at the earliest. If I do not hear from you within 10 days, I will lodge a formal complaint with the Consumer Affairs Department in my state.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely.
 Janet Singh
Write an application to the administrator of the Nagar Nigam of your city to improve the sanitary conditions in the part you live in. Write a complaint letter to the Executive Officer, Municipal Board informing about the insanitary conditions around your locality and urging him to take immediate action.
Write a letter to the Mayor of the corporation regarding disposal of solid waste. (2022 EH)
Nagar Nigam, Prayagraj.
I would like to bring to your kind notice, the insanitary conditions of the locality in which I live. Ours is a new locality known as Kalindipuram. When it was set up a few years ago, the Municipal authorities promised to look to the needs of the colony such as fresh drinking water, pacca roads, street and drains. Nothing has so far been done. The drains stink badly. There are pools polluted of water here and there. I, therefore, request you to visit the locality and take early steps to improve the sanitary conditions. Hoping that the matter would receive, an early attention.
Dated 10.06.20…..
Yours faithfully,
4.Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your city, requesting him to improve the law and order situation in your area. Or
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily showing your concern regarding the spate of crimes committed by teenagers.
I would like to bring your kind attention towards the
following facts for your perusal and necessary action:
(1) The condition of the law and order in the city is going down day-by-day.
(ii) Civil Lines has become a centre of illegal activities.
(ii) Alfred Park is known for illegal activities.
(iv) Near Government Girls Inter College is the place where unsocial elements assemble and sing vulgar songs. They pass indecent remarks on the school going girls.
I, therefore, request you to take necessary and immediate steps to curb the illegal activities. People of the area will be highly obliged.
Dated: 25.1.20…..
Yours faithfully,
5. Write a letter to the District Magistrate about the nuisance caused by the use of loudspeakers at late night.
Sub.: Restriction on loudspeakers.
Respectfully, we beg to say that the High School and Intermediate examinations of U.P. Board and University examinations are at hand but the continuous noise of loudspeakers does not allow us, students, to study peacefully. The disturbance of loudspeakers usually remains continuous till midnight and some times even whole night. It has therefore, become, difficult to concentrate on studies.
We, students, shall be obliged if you kindly restrict the use of loudspeakers during the examination days. Thanking you very much
Yours faithfully. Students of
Allahpur, Prayagraj
6. Write an application to the Principal, requesting him to grant you full concession in fee (2013ER,EV,16CL)
Or Write an application to the Principal of your college, requesting him for concession in fee.
Or Write an application to your Principal for a fee concession to enable you for further studies (2015BL)
Write a letter to the Principal of your college for a
free studentship to enable you to study further. (2022EE)
The Principal,
D.A.V. Inter College, Aligarh.
Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am a student of class XII-D. My father is a poor shop-keeper. So he is unable to pay the fee. Last year, I enjoyed free-ship. I got good marks in class IX-D. I, therefore, request you to grant me full fee concession.
I shall feel highly obliged to you.
12th Aug., 20….
Yours obediently,
Harish Chandra XII-D.
7 Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to make a regular arrangement for evening games in the college. (2015BN,16CK,17AN)
OrWrite an application to your games teacher for arranging regular evening games in the college.(2012 JC, 13 ET,14AH,AJ,AL)
Or  Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him to arrange a football match. (2022 REE)
The Principal,
Islamia Inter College, Bareilly Date-7th July, 20….
Subject: Requesting for the arrangement of evening games.
Most respectfully,
I beg to say that most of the students of XII-B are eager to play football and hockey. There is no arrangement in the college.
1, therefore, request your good self to make arrangement for regular evening games for practice. I shall be highly obliged.
Yours obediently,
Mukesh Rana XII-B
8. A television cabinet that you had ordered from Amaflip, an online shopping site, arrived in a damaged condition. Write a letter to register a complaint while seeking a refund or areplacement.
14 Council Road,
Near Balaji Towers,
1 December, 20….
The Manager,
Amaflip Office, New Delhi.
 Subject: Complaint about faulty television cabinet
I had ordered a television cabinet from the Amaflip website on15 November. The cabinet was delivered to me on 30th November, but as I unpacked it from the box, it was found to be in a damaged condition. The cabinet doors does not open and shut properly and the storage compartment of the cabinet is uneven and cracked. The cabinet is not of acceptable quality and does not match the sample cabinet I was shown online. I would like you to replace it with one of better quality and finish and arrange for return of the faulty cabinet at no cost. I have enclosed a picture of the damaged product and attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase. I would like to have this problem fixed at the earliest. If I do not hear from you within 10 days, I will lodge a formal complaint with the Consumer Affairs Department in my state.
Thanking you, Yours Sincerely,
Janet Singh
An enquiry letter is intended to get all relevant information about anything. It could be a letter to know more information about a school before seeking admission, an import company before you import certain goods or it can be a coaching institute before you join one of its coaching courses.
A potential customer can also write an enquiry letter, on the lookout for a product or with a desire to avail the service offered by a seller or an organization. One must keep in mind that an enquiry letter is neither a contract nor does it entail any contractual obligation between the two. However, one must include all relevant queries related to the information being sought.
1. You are interested in going abroad for further education and are on the lookout for classes/ tuition from a reputed coaching centre that prepares students for IELTS and TOEFL. Having found the website information inadequate, write a letter enquiring about various details regarding the functioning of the tuition classes that you intend to avail. You are Afreen/Afraz from Hyderabad.
DGH Gardens,
31st March 20….
The Manager,
Star Coaching. Yellow Street,
Subject: Inquiry about classes for IELTS
Sir/Madam I am currently pursuing my Bachelors in Business Management from Yule University, Siliguri and am trying to go abroad for higher studies. I am pleased to hear that your educational establishment provides classes to prepare students for the IELTS exam.
Firstly, I would like to know the exact way classes are conducted and about the teaching methodology. As I work part time after college, I would only be able to attend the classes after four in the evening. If that is feasible, I would also like to know the course fee and the modes of payment acceptable to you. I look forward to your reply with the required details at the earliest so that I can begin the procedure for enrollment accordingly. Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely, Afreen Ahmed
2.You are Sheena/Shamith, of class XI, Piccadilly School, Shimla. You are all eager to enter the National Film Academy, Shimla, after the board results. Write a letter to the director of the film academy seeking information regarding the admission procedure, eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunities, etc.
Piccadilly School, Shimla-112233.
13th April, 20….
The Director,
National Film Academy, Shimla-112211.
Subject: Seeking information regarding admission. Sir/Madam,
I am a student of class XI at present and I am currently awaiting the CBSE Board results. I am greatly interested in joining your esteemed academy for the academic year 20XX-XX. I hope to be eligible for admission once the results are out.
Even though I have heard quite a lot about your institution from my friends and advertisements, I would like to clear some of my doubts regarding your admission procedure. I believe that these courses are internationally recognized and would like a confirmation of the same.
Kindly tell me what the right time is to apply, as the dates for the admission forms are not available on the website. I also need to know if I can download and submit the forms over the internet or if it is mandatory to do it in person. If there are scholarships for eligible students, I would also like to know further details for the same. Kindly also tell me about the course fee and duration of the courses offered. Your early reply will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you.
                                     Yours faithfully,
                                     Sheena Massey

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